Your E-commerce Growth Partner

from 6-figure months to 8-figure exit
Work With Us
Hero LineHero Line

Medium of Growth

Service V1 IconMeta Ads
Iterative angle, creative & audience testing to drive high-quality traffic that converts into loyal ambassadors. Tightly integrated creative strategy, creative analysis and continuous best-practice account structure based on millions in adspend-dollars.
Service V1 IconGoogle & PPC Advertising
Shopping-centered frameworks paired with continuous testing to deep-dive into consumer intents & capture demand. Higher quality search traffic, less reliance on branded search and higher Marketing Efficiency Ratio.
Service V1 IconEmail & SMS Marketing
Hypersegmented email infrastructure with intense customer journey-focused architecture paired with converting campaign-designs & targeting. Highly personalized customer journey roadmaps and strategy allow for more sends, contributing more revenue to your store.
Service V1 IconTikTok Advertising
A creative-first approach that specializes in letting the product sell itself, instead of blending in with the masses. UGC, trend spotting, fast iteration and utilizing TikTok Shop is crucial for success.
Service V1 IconMarketing Strategy
Business intelligence-focused product, creative, angle & consumer-variable testing that enables data-driven decision making. We build around Enterprise Value, CAC/LTV and profitability across channels.
Service V1 IconPerformance Creative
Leveraging real user experiences to craft compelling ads that enables cold audiences to envision themselves as loong-standing brand ambassadors. Authentic creators, who are passionate about your products produce more scalable assets.
Service V1 ShapeService V1 Shape
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Our Process

#1. DTC Fundamentals
Processes built around CAC/LTV, cohorts and contribution margin instead of platform-metrics.
#2. Modular Marketing Dept.
We operate as a modular marketing department, helping you run effective acquistion & retention strategy across your DTC-funnel.
#3. Using Best-In-Class Tools
Building Enterprise Value through strategic & tactical tech-stack implementations across Business Intelligence, AI and exceptional Tracking/Analytics.
#4. Your Marketing Team
We don't have a service provider-mindset, but operate like an internal marketing department.
We align on North-Star Metrics together, and optimize them according to your business model.
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What is a DTC Growth Partner?

Our strategy, approach and team operate from a fundamental understanding of your business fundamentals, and the KPIs you optimize against for long-term value.
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We proactively, and actively recommend impactful implementations that will improve your acquisition & retention strategies.
Transparency and communication.
We're not afraid of telling you the facts straight-up, and you'll never have to worry about checking in the corners.
We tell you everything straight up, so we can solve problems together.
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Grow with experts.
Our team of specialists has decades of DTC-experience, over $100,000,000 in attributed adspend and focus exclusively on scaling DTC-companies like yours.
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Meet the Founder

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Nick Larsen
Fractional CMO


2x Chairman of the largest european DTC-conference (eTail) by 25.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Interdum neque ultrices hendrerit et iaculis.


First Shopify store at 14 & sold first store at 17.

Now leads a team of DTC experts specialized on high-impact cross-channel DTC acquisition &

Fancy Cars:
Client Success:
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Our Philosophy

At Larsen Digital, we don’t approach things like an agency.

First of all, most agencies scale on the volume of clients and leverage a 4-to-1, 5-to-1 or even 10-to-1 client/employee ratio.
We scale by picking the right horses, and only helping them win championships!
Our team of experts, and our processes are built around the philosophy of a marketing department, not an agency.
Our Competitors


Clients to employees

Larsen Digital


Employees to Client

Ready to become a DTC Growth Partner?

Let’s have a quick chat to see if we are a good fit for eachother
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